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31 Aralık 2010 Cuma

46 Backyard Play Ideas for Children

Children need to get outside and be away from the TV. Especially in the summertime, when
they can get loads of fresh air and exercise. It is even more important if you live in areas
that have cold winters, since being cooped up in the winter happens often!
Pediatricians have also recently concluded that children do not get enough free play during
their day. One great way for them to have free play is by being in their backyards. Setting
up play areas and giving them ideas for play is vital to their health, but now and for their
There are several ways to make any backyard area more fun for the kids.
1 – Garden
The love of all things in nature can never begin too early. Start that love with your child’s
very own garden. This garden can be very small or elaborate, depending on their age. A
simple garden that is low maintenance contains sunflowers, green bean plants and
tomatoes. Annual flowers like marigolds, petunias and zinnias offer bright colors and
blossoms all year long. Give your child small chores like watering and weeding (with help).
They can also be artistic and make signs to label all of their plants. A scarecrow can keep
away the birds. In the fall, have them harvest any fruit or vegetables you planted.